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Why go Celtic?

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Here's why

Your wedding day is all about YOU as a couple.


It's about your love story, your journey together, and your own individual styles and preferences - and that's what I will deliver - that's my job - to make you happy with your perfect ceremony


What I can also offer is the option of a Celtic-style ceremony that allows you to tap into the magic, mysticism, and sheer romance of an ancient culture.


Maybe you have a family connection with Scotland and Ireland, or the other Celtic countries of Wales, Cornwall and Breton in France. Maybe you’re a migrant or your parents were; maybe you’re from Celtic heritage many generations ago, or maybe you just love the idea of a Celtic celebration.


And the range of Celtic culture is as wide as you want to make it. We can go with the full romance of the Highlands - think Jamie and Claire's wedding in Outlander - or keep it urban, modern, cheeky and gallus – or a mix of it all.


We’ll turn the tartan dial up or down in keeping with your wishes, and together, however you decide to go forward, we'll create a wedding ceremony that captures every aspect you've dreamed of, making it truly unforgettable and definitely a wee bit different!

Let’s Work Together

500 Terry Francine Street 

San Francisco, CA 94158

Tel: 123-456-7890

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